Friday, May 17, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Friends

Today will be a hard day. 

We lost a dear friend in our community on Mother's Day who battled long and hard with breast cancer.  Sheryl was full of life, love and passion, and she leaves behind a 11 year old daughter and a wonderful husband, and pack of dogs.  She loved dogs.  Sheryl ate healthy and exercised, and had no family history of cancer, just like me.  We have our final goodbye today as we celebrate her life and try to comfort her family.  She is with our Lord, and her pain and suffering is thankfully over.  It is those who are left on earth that suffer as they face life without her. 

My family has another mountain of grief to climb today, and that is saying goodbye to our precious little dog Buddy.  We are still in shock over the quick decline of his health in the past two months.  He went from a healthy guy, going on 2 mile walks, to losing weight and not eating.  They found a tumor on his kidney.  We have bribed him with all kinds of good food to eat, but he has lost his appetite and has been reduced to bones.  We have made the hard choice to put him to rest today before he suffers pain.

I really can't remember the last time I endured such pain in my heart.  Buddy was our lap dog, and tender heart, and faithful companion.  Buddy knew if you were sad and needed some TLC.  He would sit outside my door when I was sick in bed, knowing he was not supposed to be upstairs, but taking a chance just to let me know he was near. 

I've always suspected that Buddy is Michelle's favorite part of the family.  She would prefer that Buddy was with her wherever she went.  If we went to a parade, she wanted Buddy to come.  We took him to the snow one time because Michelle begged us.  She always wants to buy things for him.  Toys, sweaters, costumes...It does not matter where we were on vacation, Michelle was thinking about what to bring back to Buddy.  For Buddy's part, he never complained when she was dressing him up in one of her treasures.  She has even painted his nails.

Our entire family has loved this creature that God brought to us, as we searched rescue facilities and prayed for "the one" that would be ours.  Buddy was two when we got him in 2004.  The first thing Buddy did was sit with Jon and watch the Red Sox win the World Series.  Rachel has also loved Buddy deeply.  Buddy helped her get motivated to go on walks and exercise, and even gave her a good excuse to "walk dogs" with a good looking guy.

The time has gone to fast.  I thought we had a lot more time before we had to face this day.  He seems so young (11), but he is 77 years old.  To be honest, this is beyond my comprehension.  I can't seem to wrap my brain around it just yet.  I have been enjoying just being with him.  I have gotten a lot of reading done while I lay with him next to me.  With this new chemo regiment, I am down three days not feeling well, and Buddy has been there with me.

Goodbye our precious Buddy.  You were greatly loved by your family, and you loved us back with a heart of gold.  When Jesus says he is preparing a place for us in heaven, I have to hope and dream that you will be there greeting us when we arrive.