Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Godly Touch

Being a mother to Rachel and Michelle has been the greatest joy of my life.  I can't imagine my life without them, and I have been blessed to be able to stay home with them all these years.  Nothing brings about more excitement than watching them have success in their life through sports, school, etc...  I am so proud of both my girls for who they are, and who they have the potential to be.

Being a mother has also been the hardest job I have ever had.  As high as the highs can be, there are great lows when I have felt like a failure.  I have lost my temper when I should have held my tongue.  I have had sleepless nights wondering if I made the right decision, or if they are going to make the right decision.  We have to be mama bears, at times, because the world (Satan) is always trying to steal our children's souls and knock them down.  A mother's greatest fear is if she did enough to teach her children faith.  This all takes lots of prayer!

I have been blessed to have great role models around me, including my own mother.  I have lots of good memories with my mom, and I know that she struggled a lot with those same feeling I have as she mothered my brother and I.  The best thing my mother ever did for me was to encourage my walk with Christ when I was young, which gave me the foundation of faith that I have now.  My mom is still my biggest cheerleader, and gets the same joy out of watching me as an adult have success in walking with faith.

Over the years, I have accumulated great wealth through jewels.  Those jewels are my friends.  I have an amazing infrastructure of women who surround me with love and teach me every day how to be a better mother, friend, wife, and woman.  Their Godly touch has come in the form of holding my hand, a hug, a meal, a card of encouragement, a phone call, rides for my girls when I don't feel well, and prayer.  These friends of mine are crazy, funny, creative, and resourceful. 

I want to say thank you to all the women I know who have helped me grow, inspired me, and carried me to the cross when I was too weak to walk.  I would start listing names, but the list is too long.  I see God every day in the Godly touch of my friends and family.  A special thanks to my step-mother, Sandy, whom I love.

I am most thankful for my two girls, who also inspire me and challenge me, and give me great love.  My one desire for them is to know Jesus in an intimate way, and pass on their faith to the next generation.  Thank you mom for always lifting me up and keeping me strong in our promises from God. 

Happy Mother's Day!