After my first chemo treatment, and marking my six year diagnosis anniversary, I got quite busy. Last weekend I was asked to lead a break-out session at Glenkirk's Women's Refresh (retreat). It was an honor to be able to give my testimony, and to be an encourager to the women in attendance. I wanted them to know that God is at work in their trials as much as He as at work in mine.
Planning what I was going to say was challenging in several ways. One, I was not feeling completely well after the chemo, and our enemy used it to try and bog me down in my writing. Two, I have had to fight very hard in the last month to get my own spiritual strength back because I am human and also get grounded by negative thoughts that threaten to overtake me with fear and worry.
The theme of the retreat was "Soar" and the verse was Isaiah 40:31, which I have written about many times on my Blog.
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
As this verse says, we can get very weary and faint by carrying our load (worry, grief, anger...) by ourselves. And I have to be reminded often that God wants to carry that burden for me. When I surrender myself to God, and commit to wanting to do His will and travel His path, then the peace that transcends all understanding helps me to soar like wings of eagles.
Besides surrendering to God, one must really work hard to guard their mind and heart from the enemy.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
I shared with the women at the retreat some ways in which I guard myself from the enemy, who wants to bring dark thoughts into my mind, and rob me of joy and life. One of the ways I do this is to be constantly listening to Christian Music. I have it going all of the time, because music is scripture, and I can sing scripture anywhere and remind myself of God's truths.
A favorite song is "Voice of Truth", which talks about how there is the voice of the enemy, and then there is the voice of my Savior. My Savior says, "Do not be afraid." So when I have a weak moment, I just stop my mind and start singing this song.
I also guard my mind with scripture, and I have some favorite promises from God that I pray and claim. I personalize the scripture with my name, and trust that God never breaks His promises. He especially has not broken the two promises he gave me six years ago the day after I was diagnosed. Read Hebrews 13:5 and Romans 8:28.
Finally, it helps me to soar and find meaning in the midst of pain when I write on my Blog. It feels good to be honest, but share my faith. It is always my hope that the words I write will make a difference in someone's life. That is where my purpose comes in this fight.
I had my second round of chemo yesterday, and I am not as sick the day after as I was the last time. I ask that you continue to pray that it will knock down all of the pain, and be very effective in shrinking the tumors.