Sunday, September 5, 2010


Do you have trouble finding time during your day to just think on God's Word, let alone pray?

I used to have it all figured out, until Stormy came along.

I have written about my loyal, sweet, timid, worry wart, Buddy. I have not written about the fur ball cat that came into my life this past year. We rescued Stormy from the local animal shelter, but I think he does not see it as a rescue so much as our privilege to own him.
(See pictures below)

Stormy is like unleashing a five year old boy into your beautiful home. He thinks couches are scratching posts, and anything that moves is for his folly. This includes your leg, hair on your head, anything that dangles, and the frightened little hamster in Michelle's room that Stormy likes to watch while hunched in a pounce position.

What does this have to do with my prayer life? Well, I used to have a great routine of waking up before everyone to read my Bible, some devotionals, and pray. As soon as Stormy hears the floor creak, he is following me all over the house. The other day I tried a bait and switch by giving him food downstairs and then running upstairs into my closet for some quiet time. He thought that was fun! It was like hide and seek time with Mom!

It really does not take a "Stormy" to ruin your quiet time with God (I really do love that big fluff). Our own brains do the job quite well sometimes. The "To Do List" for the day starts running through our brains from the time our eyes open in the morning. Busy thoughts that make us want to say, "Hi God, glad your here. Bless everyone. Love you. Bye!" Kind of sounds like my teenage daughter now that I think of it.

Most people don't know what they are missing if they have never had that intimate time with Father God. But, for those who have, it is no secret that the one on one time with the maker of the universe is the greatest privilege we have has believers. When we feast on God's Word, when we use devotions to apply God's Word to our daily lives, when we talk to the one who sacrificed His Son for us, it is like a drink of cold water when you are parched. It is like a warm blanket when you are cold. It is better than curling up your legs and sipping a coffee while visiting with a friend at Starbucks. Really, nothing can compare.

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" Psalm 42:1-2

These words were written by King David who wanted the Lord more than anything else. God's presence was better than food and water to him. I know that feeling, and I hope you do to. It usually comes in the middle of a life storm, but it shouldn't take a storm to thirst for God's presence in your life.

Jesus said, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." John 7:37-38

I want to drink deeply of all that God has for me! I want streams of living water to flow from within me! This week I am going to get a new routine going so that I don't cheat myself of my right to be in the presence of God. Jesus sacrifed His life for me to have that right, so I should value it more that I sometimes do.

I hope you take on this challenge to find a special moment in your morning to start your day off with God's wisdom and blessings. Pray this prayer with me:

Father God, I want to be in your presence every day. I long for more of you, and I know that only you can quench my thirst. I want streams of living water to flow in me and revive my soul. I also want your living water to flow out of me so that I can be a help to a dry and thirsty world.