Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pay Attention

Not only do we need to find time to be quiet and listen to God's voice, we also need to pay attention to what he is telling us through those quiet times and His Word. Paying attention to God's promptings and will for our lives helps us to continue down the right path even though it may look precarious.

Have you ever watched a movie where the main character is walking into a trap and YOU are yelling at the screen, "Don't go there! Why don't you see that is a trap?!" As the viewer, you probably have more information that the character on the screen. You can see the situation differently, therefore, you know the danger (or blessing) that is right around the corner.

Sometimes, when we are in the middle of a crisis, we can't see where it is taking us. Sometimes it is obvious who to listen to. Sometimes we pay attention to God's leading; sometimes we don't. It is frustrating when we can't see things clearly. How often have you wished for a crystal ball?

When you give your life to Christ, He becomes the director of your life. He may give you just enough information to direct you down the right path, but you have to pay attention to Him. You may not always like the direction, and sometimes you may be greatly surprised at the twists and turns of your life - but He is not surprised. God sees the bigger picture. He knows when to prompt us into another direction because of danger, or that our hurt is going to down the road be a blessing.

In the book of Jeremiah, King Zedekiah kept asking Jeremiah for God's counsel. Jeremiah would tell the King what direction God wanted him to go, but the King ignored it. How often are we asking for God's will, but then choose our own? How often do we plead for God to speak to us, but then ignore His voice?

I have written several times about the story of Daisy, who is ten years old, and her struggle with a tumor the size of a grapefruit in her stomach. Daisy and her family have seen many miracles through her journey. One miracle is that the tumor has shrunk enough to do surgery today (9/13). Pray, Pray, Pray... and check out

Daisy and her family remind me of what it means to pay attention to what God is saying. Even though they are on a journey that nobody would ever choose for themselves (or ever their child!), they have listened to God's voice through His Word, and they have stood firm in their faith. They are being obedient to God's will, and they have seen God at work in the most powerful way. God has equipped Daisy with strength that most adults don't understand.

You may think paying attention to God is hard work, but there is usually a voice or feeling deep inside of what is the right thing to do. Is the voice telling you to apologize, or forgive, or give up something that is not healthy? Is the voice saying be strong and wait, trust, and be a testimony for me? Pay attention to these voices, and always make sure your actions are backed by God's Word.

Does God have your attention?