Sunday, August 29, 2010

Surviving a Tidal Wave

At the end of last summer, I was feeling great. After a rough year of fighting pain, radiation, and minor surgery, I was finally at a good place where I was pain free and really thankful to God for bringing me out of those hard times. Scans had become fairly routine over the past two years, and so when I was scanned at the end of August, I did not give it a second thought.

On September 1, 2009, I went in to see my Oncologist, and she told me that the scans revealed that three tumors had developed on my liver. It was shocking news because I felt like I was really in a good place, physically, and I had only been on my new medication for five months. I was hoping I would get more than a year on that medication. How did this happen? Why was this happening?

The news was like a gigantic wave that knocked Jon and I off our feet. We were standing and admiring the view when we were broadsided. We sat there shaking the water off of our face wondering where that came from. Everything had been going so well.

I guess it should be no surprise to us by now that God has a very specific road He wants us to travel, and we need to just let him do the navigating. Letting go and trusting God through these hard times is not always an immediate response. People often think that Jon and I just bounce right into submission and peace. We go through the same anxiety and turmoil that others go through when they get bad news. Sometimes it takes days or weeks to regroup and get back to God's word and hand over our fear to Him. But, when we do put Jesus in the driver's seat, we end up taking a path that is beautiful and full of blessings.

It has been a year since that day, and the year has been full of blessings. We were blessed from the beginning to have an amazing group of friends who always come at a moment's notice to comfort us and take care of our needs. Meals, rides for kids, rides for me to chemo, supportive cards, phone calls, laughs... we are surrounded by love and support. Yes, losing my hair was hard at first, but it turned into a blessing of sorts. I have enjoyed my cool and trendy short hair!

The biggest blessing? That is easy! Healing!!!!
You can only imagine what it feels like to tell the story of liver lesions that are no more! I love reflecting on that moment of surprise. I love God's timing of gifting me with a wonderful, chemo free, summer!

As you have read, I took full advantage of my summer. Maybe a little too much fun because I have been experiencing back pain. Not only back pain, but joint pain. So prior to today, I have been a little worried about what my CT Scan would show. Since I have not been scanned since the beginning of summer, I worried that this new hormone blocker was working. Was I back to square one?

Today I met my new Oncologist, and got my test results and they were all favorable! PRAISE GOD! My CT Scan shows no cancer in liver or other internal organs, and the bone scan was stable (still lesions on spine, but I can live with that)! The aches and pains are one of those things that I will have to live with for now because it is a side effect of meds.

I am so thankful for all your prayers and support. I know God heard lots of whooping and hollering today! I think He was smiling and celebrating with us!
