Sunday, September 19, 2010

God Never Changes

A new school, a new job, a new house, meeting new people. Change is hard. Some of us have had more than our share of change. I remember getting sad when the girls grew into a bigger size of diaper!

This is what Max Lucado wrote about change:

Change. Had more than your share? Wishing you could freeze frame the video of your world? If you're looking for a place with no change, try a soda machine. With life comes change. With change comes fear, insecurity, sorrow, stress. So what do we do? Hibernate? Take no risks for fear of failing? Give no love for fear of losing? Some opt to. They hold back. A better idea is to look up. Set your bearings on the one and only North Star in the universe...God. For though life changes, He never does. In fact, scripture makes some pupil-popping claims about His permanence.

"For He is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end. He delivers and rescues, He works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth... Daniel 6:26,27

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you." Jeremiah 31:3

These are powerful scriptures describing God's strength and love! When we think that the world is falling apart, God says He will be the final victor. HIS kingdom will never be destroyed. When we think nobody loves us, God's love is everlasting.

God likes to change things up on us now and then. It keeps us from straying too far because we think we have it all figured out. Sometimes we need to evaluate our life and make change happen. That comes from a prompting of the heart by God.

I can think of some things I need to change.

Can you?