Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wishing Time Would Go Slower

It actually feels like just yesterday when I was new at "blogging" and I wrote about Rachel's last day of elementary school. Last week Jon and I watched her graduate from middle school, and we sat there baffled at how fast the time went. We were not the only parents feeling the effects of time. Many echoed our words of amazement at the speed at which our kids are growing. They actually are starting to look like they belong in high school!

In the middle of all the craziness, celebration, and fun, there was a moment of deep gratitude for all that our family has been through and how God has blessed us these past three years. There was a time, three years ago, when I looked at my girls and wondered if I would live to see these special moments. It was very scary, back then.

Despite the uncertainty and physical pain (surgery), I look at those times with fond memories. When you life is in peril, you are more focused on what is important and you make the days count. As much as I am in awe of God's miracles in my life, I probably struggle more these days with staying balanced and focused on God's word because I pack too many things into my day, which squeezes out that time of walking close to God. Back then, my day consisted of pain and fatigue. My only job was to take care of myself, so I spent a lot of time resting and praying.

I am reading through the Bible, and I am in Chronicles. This is a Jewish history book that chronicles the various kings of Judah and Israel. The common theme is this: God is with you IF you are with Him. God never walks away, or takes a break during the peaceful times of our lives. He is still there working on your behalf. When we have times of rest and peace, we should be filling ourselves back up with worship and praise. Then, when hard times come again, we are strengthened and ready for the next battle.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

He has plans for us to be happy and at peace (prosperous). Not in the money kind of way, but in a way that we are content and joyful with what we have. If you have made it through a trial, and you have a peaceful time set out before you, Rejoice and be glad!!! For God loves to bless us, and He wants us to rest and reflect upon His greatness and mercy. This is a good time to read, praise and get yourself replenished so that when a trial comes again (hopefully many years later!!) you will be ready to fight!
