Saturday, June 19, 2010

Is God Your Father?

I am a Daddy's girl. I love hugging my Dad. The world still feels safer when I am getting a big hug and my face is buried in his chest. My Dad spent many hours sitting outside in a lobby while I went through testing during the first weeks of being diagnosed with cancer. My Dad is my personal handyman. He will gladly come up to my house to help me fix something. My Dad is a wonderful Grandfather, and he supports all of my kid's activities.

My daughters are Daddy's girls. They have the same feelings of safety and love from their Father. They love having quality time with him. Playing games, sports, watching a movie with him. He gives them great advise, and is a rock solid example to them.

I realize that not everyone has a warm and fuzzy feeling when they hear the word "Father." Many people have had a very hard life because of their father's choices. They did not feel the unconditional love that they should have felt when they were in their father's presence. Because of this hard relationship, it must be hard to imagine a Father in Heaven who has their best interest at heart.

Maybe is was easier for me to come into a relationship with my Heavenly Father because I have a great relationship with my earthly father. However, if your relationship with your father is broken, then there is a hole in your heart than can only be filled by God the Father of the universe. This is what I know of that Father:

He will never turn you away (Hebrews 13:5), He has great plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11), You are safe in His care (1 Samuel 25:29), You can count of Him for help (Psalm 9:10), You are his prize, the apple of His eye (Psalm 94:14), He will make you happy (Psalm 144:15), He gives you strength (Psalm 18:39), He works miracles (Luke 4:40), He wants to nourish you (Colossians 2:6,7), He is full of mercy (Psalm 86:5), He never breaks a promise (Joshua 21:45), He resolves conflicts (Provers 21:31), AND MOST OF ALL, God sacrificed His Son for your sins so that the price would be paid in full for you. Jesus went to hell and back for you to be free! If God would do that,then He certainly has big plans for you! God is love, and His love never fails (1 Cor 13:8).

Max Lucado says this:

Does he love us because of our goodness? Because of our kindness? Because of our great faith? No, he loves us because of his goodness, kindness, and great faith. John says it like this: “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us” (1 John 4:10 NIV).

Doesn’t this thought comfort you? God’s love does not hinge on yours. The abundance of your love does not increase his. The lack of your love does not diminish his. Your goodness does not enhance his love, nor does your weakness dilute it. What Moses said to Israel is what God says to us:

The LORD did not choose you and lavish his love on you because you were larger or greater than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! It was simply because the LORD loves you. (Deut. 7:7–8 NLT)

Thank you to all of the Dads who seek to model God and want to be a good example for the younger generation!