Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Timeless Principle

My family was in New York City recently, and we went to Time Square several times. On one special night, we walked to Time Square after seeing Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. We were all dressed up, and when we got to the center of the square, we were uncomfortable with the large crowd that was gathered there. This is normal for New Yorkers, but for us "urban people" it caused anxiety and confusion.

Imagine God taking a tribesman from the Amazon, blindfolding him, and leaving him in Time Square to fend for himself. It would be cruel. The same can be said for a person who tries to live in this world without knowing the God who created it and runs it. The world is a painful and confusing place full of disappointments and unpleasantness for those who do not know about God. If you disregard everything about God, then you are stumbling through life blindfolded with no direction or understanding of what is around you. It is a waste of life, and your soul is lost.

"God is continually drawing us to Himself in everything we experience." - Gerard Hughes

I know how it feels to look down the road with fear and uncertainty. My life, as I knew it, came to an abrupt halt, and I was thrown into the world of cancer, which seemed random and made no sense. But, because I know the character of God, I found purpose and direction through cancer, and I don't have to stumble around blind and confused.

It is always my hope and prayer that anyone walking a troubling road, will seek God and find that He is in control if you let Him. It is about submission. Our way of making things right, may not be His way. But His way is always the sweetest and most satisfying!

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. It is God who arms me with strength. Psalm 18:30,32

Open the eyes of my heart Lord,
I want to see you...