Monday, May 17, 2010

God Knows Me

"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways." Psalm 139:1-3

It is humbling when you think about God knowing everything about you, and yet still loving you. There are times when I act in a manner that I wish I could hide from God, but this verse confirms that there is nowhere to go because God see everything. My biggest problem is thinking before I speak (I know this is exclusive to Sandy). I have other faults too that I don't like to dwell on, and I wish God did not have to see them.

Not only does God see everything, but he is everywhere. You can't hide from God. Like the little bunny in the children's classic, "The Runaway Bunny" by Margaret Wise Brown, there is no place that God won't follow you and want to bring you back to Him. When you have a mountaintop experience, He is there to celebrate. When you are in the deepest valley of your life, He is there to give hope. Trust me on both of these. Highs and Lows are both amazing when God is near.

I guess I can liken this to my children. There is nothing better than to share their accomplishments and mountaintop highs with them (hence the numerous hours spent cheering on the sideline of some sports field). If they ever fell into a dark valley, I would be there with them and lead them out into God's light. They don't always do things that are pleasing, but I love them anyways. I don't take their pictures out of my wallet when I am mad, I try to teach them a lesson and move forward. One thing that we work on is forgiving and FORGETTING when someone apologizes. Sometimes I force my girls to apologize to each other so that they can move on and not let the hurts pile up. God is really big on forgiveness!

The thing I like to keep in mind is that God created me. I may not always feel like a walking miracle, but God sees me as one. You and I are no accident. A matter of fact , He made each of us for a purpose. Do you know what your purpose is? I was not really sure what my purpose was until I encountered cancer. It is a crazy thing when you find your life purpose in the midst of brokenness. Sometimes that is what it takes.

I hope you know that God loves you and created you for a purpose. He will follow you to the ends of the earth and bring you home to Him. He will clean up those hidden closets in your heart, and make you a new creation. He is a gentleman though, and needs your permission to enter your heart. He won't force Himself on you, so you need to take the first step to open the door and let Him in.
