Thursday, May 20, 2010

God - incidence?

You know I don't believe in coincidences, I believe in God-incidences. Here is one that brought me to tears this week. As I was thinking about last Tuesday, and saying goodbye to my Oncologist of three years, I decided to write her a note. I got to thinking about how we first met in May. I looked back in my journal and saw that we met on May 11, 2007. That was the day that she told Jon and I that my cancer was stage 4, incurable, metastatic cancer (did not know yet that it was breast cancer). That day was the beginning of something that grew to be a wonderful relationship between the two of us.

Last Tuesday we said goodbye to each other because she is moving on to a hospital closer to her home. It was an emotional day of highs (no more chemo), and lows. But in the end we were leaving each other on a very high note. She could walk away with peace in knowing that I was moving on to a new treatment that would allow me quality and quantity time (vacations) with my family. I had peace that she was doing what she needed to do for her quality of life.

Guess What? Last Tuesday was May 11th!!! Exactly three years!

Many would say that is some coincidence. I say that it is God just wanting to let us know that he is in charge of details big and small. I am sure thankful to serve a mighty God who is not too busy to arrange this little gift! I felt like it was his mark on the last three years of my time at City of Hope. It kind of feels like I am starting fresh. A new treatment, a new Oncologist, and a new perspective on what it is like to conquer chemo!

Thank you God for your blessings!