Monday, November 26, 2007

A Weekend Update

The Thanksgiving weekend was a nice one. We had family over for dinner. Jon helped get the 20 pound bird in the oven. We celebrated birthdays (Jon & My Dad). My brother, Aaron, helped Jon get down our Christmas decorations. This year the count was twelve boxes. I stayed in the house so I wouldn't hear Jon's grumblings. Putting up Christmas decorations was a big task because we do not have a good system yet in our new house. It took longer than we would have liked. We managed to have a few outings. On Saturday night we went to see "The Glory of Christmas" at the Crystal Cathedral. It was a beautiful production. The girls favorite part was the live camels with the three kings, and the flying angels.

Many people have asked how my arm is doing. It is feeling much better since the steroid shot. I still do not have full mobility, but I need to start physical therapy to take care of that problem. The pain sneaks up at night, but not as intense as it was before. I have really been trying to take it easy on my arm, but then I do too much (decorating did not help), and I am on the heating pad.

Thank you for your prayers of healing. It has been a year of pain. It was this time last year that I started having neck and pelvic pain. I kept thinking it was because I was doing too much lifting around the house because we were still working on getting out of boxes because of our move. I remember my dear friend, Cheryl Powers, was here for a visit with her family the weekend after Thanksgiving. My neck was stiff and I was in pain. Cheryl shared with me how she had suffered from a neck injury and how long it took to get it resolved. I remember thinking at the time that I could not imagine going that long with pain. Surely my pain would go away in a week.

Every now and then I look back and wonder if I could have done anything differently. I never imagined that the pain I was experiencing was cancer. Even if I had the MRI last December when I was not getting over the pain, I would have still had cancer in my bones. My bones were already sending me a message that something was wrong.

After my last round of tests that showed that the cancer was not spreading and the breast tumor had shrunk, I seemed to gain a deeper peace than I had before. I am not as anxious about the future, I am trying to just enjoy today. Deep inside I hold on to God's truth that He is the author of my life, and I have faith that He has great plans for my future.

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. they are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

I know that the only way I could be functioning like I do with joy and happiness is because I have hope in God's promises like the one above. His promises are for all who believe!

God Bless,