Friday, November 16, 2007

A New Day for Glenkirk Church

This is an open invitation to all of you who are not connected to a church, but have been thinking about maybe trying one out. This weekend Jim Miller begins his ministry at Glenkirk. We are all very excited to start this new journey with him and his family. He comes to us from Hawaii, and has a wife and two young children. We are told he is full of wisdom and love. This will be his first senior pastor position.

Jim's arrival is just another way that the Holy Spirit is at work in Glenkirk Church. We have been blessed recently with an incredible Family Life Staff. Adam Donner heads up this area and he is truly a man of God. Anthony Prince is fabulous for the Children's Ministry area, and Mark is wonderful with the Jr. High Group.

We are usually regulars at the 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday, however, this weekend we will be at the Saturday night service at 5:30pm. Sunday our family will be participating in the City of Hope Walk for Life. I look forward to writing more about this wonderful event. I have my entire Brownie Troop walking along with me!

God Bless,