Thursday, November 1, 2007

Great is Thy Faithfulness

What do you think is the most frequent command in the Bible?

Our church, Glenkirk Presbyterian, has been in transition that past 11 months. This past April we were blessed to have Dennis Tarr accept an Interim Pastor position until we found a new minister. This past weekend, Dennis spoke for the last time as Interim, because we have a new minister, Jim Miller, starting in November. I believe that Dennis was sent for me personally, because he has been such an inspiration. Dennis, and his wife Kristina, have prayed over me several times, and they are both so full of the spirit. Pastor Dennis' last sermon was about God's faithfulness. Here are some of my notes from his sermon:

I was surprised to hear that the answer to the above question is: Do not be afraid!

The greatest hindrance to God's blessings is fear. Fear stunts our spiritual growth, it holds us back from seeking new jobs, it keeps us from getting help for a broken marriage, it takes away our joy when things are going good (when is the shoe going to drop). Fear is a distressing emotion that can be real or imagined.

Fear is definitely Satan's weapon of choice for me. Whenever I have a down moment, it is almost always because I am fearing something real or imagined in my future. Why is my shoulder hurting? Why is my neck not completely better? What will those tests say about my cancer? What if I am not around for my girls?

Pastor Dennis told us that there are 366 verses in the Bible that have "Fear Not" in them. God told Moses, Abraham, David, Mary, and the Disciples to fear not. In Psalms 23 it says: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For thou art with me...

When I have my moments of fear, I don't let them linger long. I remind myself that Satan is the author of lies, and he wants to paralyze me with those lies. God on the other hand has promises that give me hope. I don't often think of the book of Lamentations, so I enjoyed adding some verses from that book to my long list of promises that God has given me regarding healing and my future. Pastor Dennis read the following scripture:

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." Lamentations 3:22-24

I pray that fear is not keeping you from a deeper relationship with God. There is nothing to fear when you give your heart to him. Every fear you have is a lie from Satan. God wants to prosper you and give you a wonderful future.
