Monday, October 1, 2007

Trusting God

"My times are in Your hands..." (Psalm 31:15)

The Psalms was written by David, who says numerous times that his life is in God's hands. It is really hard to turn your life over and trust God, especially if it is a situation that you just don't understand. Surrender to God was a slow process for me. But I have found that the more I have surrendered, the more God has given me peace. I am excited about what God has done through my situation. God has taken what was meant to harm me, and turned it into a story for His glory. On Wednesday I get the first chance to stand in front of an audience and share my testimony. I only get 5 minutes to talk about the wondrous work God has done! I could probably talk for over an hour if given free reign. I am excited to share what a blessing this blog has been, and how God has used it to communicate to His people. Six months ago I had a decision to make. Would I let this cancer overwhelm me and take control, or would I grab hold of God's promises and trust that He wants the best for me. I am glad I chose God's way!

God Bless,