Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

There are two life decisions I have made that have set the path for who I am, and have made my life richer than I could have ever imagined. The first decision was accepting Jesus into my heart when I was eight years old. The second decision was marrying Jon Boulware on September 27, 1986.

Jon is the most thoughtful man I have ever met. It is not unusual for me to be approached by someone who has received a little note or article of some kind from Jon, and I know nothing about it. Jon is passionate about family, sports, and God. He has guided our family through many roughs spots, and we all look to him for wisdom and strength.

I think the secret to our marriage is our faith, and laughter. We have a really great time just being together. I have the most fun when Jon is around. The best part of my day is when he walks in the door and gives me a kiss. I think Jon is a very handsome man, and I like being his partner.

Jon is a man of integrity. His business achievements have come from the relationships that he has built and the trust people have in him. God opened doors for us to own our Allstate offices, but it was through Jon's integrity that he was able to purchase these businesses without even bidding on them. One agent that we purchased a book from recently told Jon that he never needed all the legal papers, he would have been satisfied with a handshake.

Jon is always trying to improve himself or his situations. Jon was one of my biggest fans when I earned by Bachelor Degree. Jon has made me a better person in so many ways. He taught me to have goals, and he was the one who got us started in writing our family mission statement.

Jon is a great father. He is adored and respected by our girls. He is playful and does not have a problem getting on the floor and playing Candy Land. He supports the girls in all they do. He is a very involved father.

I am very grateful that Jon Boulware came into my life. The fun and laughter we have shared together far out weighs the hard times. We are in quite a trial right now. But I know that with God as the tie that binds us, we will see this through together. God could not have chosen a better partner for me than Jon.

With all my love to my Husband,
