Friday, September 7, 2007

No Other God

I just loved my devotion this morning, and I wanted to share what Dodie Osteen wrote:

... For no other God can do what this one does." Daniel 3:29

Those were the words spoken by King Nebuchadnezzar who had just witnessed God's amazing rescue of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace. The king had sent them into the furnace to be executed for not worshiping him. After seeing with his own eyes the power of God, even this ungodly king could not deny that the God of these three men could do things that no other God could.

Again, I will never let anyone tell me that God can't work miracles! And He already has in my life through cancer! Even if I live with this disease the rest of my life, I will praise the one true God for the incredible gifts He has given me through my suffering. God can do anything! He can restore relationships, He can wipe out addictions, He can clean up your life in areas you did not think needed cleaning.

Some people don't believe that God would send animals two by two to an over sized boat. Some can't believe that a man could be swallowed by a whale and then spit out. Some don't believe that God would send His Son to die on the cross for our sins only to be raised up three days later.

I Believe!
