Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bone Results look Good!

Yesterday I had my appointment at City of Hope to look at my most recent bone x-rays and CT scan of pelvic. I have not had pain since end of June, so I was anxious to see if there was any improvements. If I am to be completely honest, I was hoping the cancer would be gone. This is a prayer of mine every day, and I believe that God is as powerful today as He was in the Bible days when people received healing. I feel that I would be limiting God's power if I did not believe that He could take away this cancer in one swipe. Every morning I read a list of God's promises regarding healing, and I know that my faith is bigger than a mustard seed.

We went to bed Monday night in chaos due to an electrical blackout in our area. We woke up to chaos because the electricity was still not on. I barely had time to read my devotion for the day, but when I did read it I knew that I was receiving the results of my tests from God. The devotion that morning was from Isaiah 50:7:

Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like flint to do his will, and I know that I will triumph.

My Mom drove with me to COH and we met with the Orthopedic doctor. Medically speaking the test were very good. We compared the test three months ago to the test I took last week, and the bones are definitely stronger. Praise the Lord! We still saw spots of cancer, but the Zometa bone strengthener is doing it's job, and it's job is not to eliminate the cancer. The doctor told me that running would not be good for me, so no more jogging. I can do other types of exercise that does not pound my hips and pelvic area. It was a very positive appointment. It was not complete healing from God, but it was not bad news either. I had a five minute cry in the lobby with my Mom and then accepted the results and God's timing. It was not my time yet.

Today (Wed.) my devotion was the following:

God can do what men can't! Luke 18:27

I just love the way God communicates! I am very blessed that God has given me a special way of sharing my faith through this Blog. I know that He is not finished with it (the Blog) or me yet! I know that I have a really Big God. I will never NOT believe that mountains (cancer) can be moved with faith the size of a mustard seed. (Matthew 17:20)

So there is always hope for the next test. Until then I will keep living healthy and happy and not look ahead too far. The girls went off to school today and survived the first day jitters. Still no electricity!!! But God is God, and I can count on that fact every day! I am sure glad He is in charge and not me!
