Sunday, September 2, 2007

Great Faith

This week I finished a book called "Into the Deep" written by Robert Rogers with Stan Finger. It is the story of Robert's family who was swept away by a strong current during a flash flood on August 30,2003. Robert lost his wife and four children that day, which is a pain that would be beyond anything I could imagine.

I read this book because it was promoted by Focus on the Family, and the book was described as a story of unwavering faith. I remember watching this story on the news when it happened and being amazed and touched by this man's faith.

This book is beautifully written, but deeply emotional. Robert walks the reader through the most intimate and painful moments of his life as he has to identify and say good-bye to his entire family. This book gives you insight into the faith and love that this entire family had for Christ. They were faithful believers and even prayed down to the second before they were all swept away. How could God do that? Where was He that night? Why would He allow a family devoted to Him be torn apart. Why would He spare one?

Robert cries out to God with all of these questions. Then He feels God's great love and compassion and Robert decides to trust God minute by minute at first, then hour by hour. Robert writes, "...during all sorts of trials we turned to God rather than away from God. In those times of deepest pain, we grew to know and receive God's deepest presence. When we trusted Him during those times that didn't make sense, God revealed His deepest and most intimate loving nature."

From this tragedy, Robert was called to leave his job and form "Mighty in the Land Ministry. Robert shares his testimony of "no regrets" all over the world. He encourages families to not live with regrets. Let those around you know that you love them. Live life to the fullest because none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.

I was especially touched by the last chapter called "God is Still Good". Robert writes:

"I have learned that nothing can ever separate me from God's love. I know that even if everything that happens to me isn't good, God can still bring good out of everything...I don't understand fully how God's sovereignty and our free will blend together, and I never will until I get to heaven. But I do believe that our pain is sacred and that God has somehow ordained my suffering as something to shape me and transform me more into His image. Every ounce of suffering has a purpose that God can use for good, if we only let Him."

Some people have asked Jon and I how we can get through our trial with such faith. It has been a choice on our part to not give in to doubt and fear, but to live knowing that God is on our side and will use all things to His glory. It is through the scriptures and prayer that we can trust in Him.

This coming Tuesday I meet with the Orthopedic doctor to review some test that I took this last Friday of my pelvic area. I have not had pain in that area since end of June, however, the initial tests from April show some heavy damage in that area. If it were not for the very low residual pain in my neck, I would think I am completely healthy. I am back to my original weight. My energy level is good. I definitely do not have any indications of a brain tumor (that test will be on 9/10). I am not sure where medical technology ends and God's healing takes over, but I believe it will be revealed some day.

Meanwhile, I am blessed that I can share the last few days of summer with my girls. They start school on Wednesday. Rachel will start Ramona Middle School and Michelle starts 2nd grade. It has been a very different summer for us. The other day Michelle said, "Mommy, except for your cancer, it has been a good summer." I have a lot of friends to thank for helping make the summer enjoyable for my girls while I did radiation. I think we made each day count!

I will let you know how Tuesday goes!