Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"Tomorrow Cannot Be Found on God's Calendar"

One of the things you dwell on when you or a family member has been diagnosed with cancer is the concept of "time". What if I called you up this morning and said to you that I've credited your bank account with $1,440, and told you that you could use the money any way you wanted to? The only condition would be that you had just 24 hours to spend the money and that if you didn't spend it all, you would lose whatever was left. I bet all of you would be very creative in spending the money, and that you would make sure it was spent wisely. Well, you know where I am going with this. That account is called "time"! We have 1440 minutes to use each day and whatever portion you have failed to use will be lost forever. Unfortunately there is no accumulation of those minutes to be used later.

I am constantly amazed and blessed by the number of people who have chosen to spend some of their 1440 minutes each day helping my family. From dropping off a meal, to driving Sandy to radiation, to sending a card, to arranging a play date for the kids, to praying for our family, to even posting a note on this blog or even taking the time to read it, I give you my heartfelt thanks. I just hope I will be reminded to use my account as wisely now and in the future...........

Sandy is over halfway through her radiation treatments. So far, so good. She is a little more tired in the last couple of days and her skin a little more sensitive. Last night she had a minor sore throat. She has done so well up to this point that she is a little embarrassed at having people drive her there for the treatments. (I on the other hand am a little embarrassed I ate almost all of the brownies Carla & Bill brought over!) Please pray specifically for her energy levels, skin sensitivity, and the sore throat as we count down to August 3rd. Also, for no more malfunctions of the radiation equipment, as this just pushes everything back. (Yes, even at the City of Hope, stuff happens!) Also, in the back of my mind, but in the front of hers, (literally!) is this tumor. Please pray for that situation. Sandy wants it gone. Dr. Laura says it's better if it's benign. I'll be happy either way at this point.
