Friday, July 27, 2007

Radiation Update

A big thank you for all of your prayers! My radiation will be complete on August 6, and so far I am doing much better than I thought. I have not had the fatigue that I was told might occur. I am tired, but it could also be from not sleeping too well at night due to the night sweats that come with post menopause. My neck is red and a little tender to the touch. The biggest question mark to date is whether the remaining pain will go away that I have had since my surgery on May 30th. I have good mobility side to side, but putting my head forward strains my neck and causes me to be achy. This part is frustrating because I can't write cards, or scrapbook, or do anything that requires me leaning straight over for more than 15 minutes. I have to remind myself it has only been two months since my surgery and that if the radiation does not rid me of the pain, then perhaps just giving it time will be the ticket.

I hesitate to even mention the low grade pain that I have now, because the pain I had before the surgery was so intense I look back now and marvel at how I made it through. I am in a much better place, and I am still impressed when I can lay down or sit up without help.

I echo Jon's beautiful words of thanks to all of our friends and family that have carried us through this difficult time. Our girls are learning a big lesson in hospitality and being a community that cares. We gain strength from all of the people around us. We are often told how much our words mean to others, but we get it back in ten fold.

The brain tumor still lingers out there as an unknown. The next MRI will be 9/10. I will also be continuing my monthly treatment to strengthen my bones and wipe out the estrogen. There will be no surgery to remove the cancer in my breast because it has already gone to the bone. This will be treated as a chronic illness with the hope that the medication will be accepted by my body and do it's job for several years. The test on whether this is working will be in the next bone scan a couple months from now. The doctors will expect to see the same cancer spots on my bones, but no more.

I am constantly reminded by God's Word that He is the Great Physician. What modern medicine can't heal, God can. God desires to heal us of all of our wounds. The wounds may be mental anguish or physical ailments; God desires to give us His strength in every situation.

"They did not conquer by their own strength and skill, but by your mighty power and because you smiled upon them and favored them" Psalm 44:3

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support.