Wednesday, July 18, 2007

God's Panoramic View

Today my daily devotion was about God seeing the big picture. We are so limited in our views of life, but God has a panoramic view. He sees the people He wants to help, and the things He needs to accomplish.

It reminds me of our friends Chuck and Renee Bentson. It has been many years now, but they lost a child to spinal meningitis when he was one years old. I remember when they shared that painful story with us, they told us that in the halls of that hospital they both got on their knees for the first time and prayed to a God they barely knew for help. God did not choose that day to save their son, but he saved them. They both gave their life to Christ despite the pain, and have been a witness and a comfort to many people over the years. God saw the big picture.

Just when I think that it would be a good time for God to swoop down and heal me of this cancer so that I can wrap this year up with a really good Christmas Letter, I am reminded that God is not done with my testimony yet. Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps".

It was eight years ago on July 17th that Jon was in his accident on Mt. Hood. I was pregnant with Michelle at the time, and I thought that God's timing was pretty lousy. I had had four miscarriages after Rachel, so I wondered why God would have me pregnant at the same time we were going through such turmoil with Jon. God's timing was perfect. That little life was like a light that shined for our future, and it gave Jon a beautiful goal to get better.

We see in part; God sees the whole.