Monday, July 16, 2007


Today Jon and I went to see the Neurosurgeon who performed the surgery on my neck. He had ordered an MRI of my brain, neck, and spine as a precaution after surgery. The MRI of the brain showed a very small mass on the front lobe that the doctor wanted to talk to us about. Basically, it has the look of a benign tumor. He said if this was Jon's brain, he would be 90% sure that the tumor was benign. Because I am fighting Metestatic Breast Cancer, the doctor is only 50/50 that the tumor is benign. We discussed some options. One option would be a spinal tap to see if cancer is in my spinal fluid. Another option is an operation to remove the tumor and have the tissue tested. We opted for the the third option, which is to wait six weeks and have another MRI to see if the tumor has grown. If the tumor is benign, it should not show any signs of growth. The risk in our decision is that if the tumor is malignant, it has six weeks to get into the spinal fluid, which would not be good. Jon and I still feel that this is the best decision.

It helps to know how to be specific in our prayers. We will not be praying that the tumor does not show growth. We will be praying that the tumor is GONE in six weeks. We are already walking a tough road, we don't need another challenge. We know that God is great and is able to heal and restore that which medical technology can not.

Every morning I read a list of scripture verses that my Mom has typed out for me that have to do with God's promises to heal. A few of my favorite are:

If you have the faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 20:21

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matthew 21:22

Daughter, your faith has healed you, go in peace and be freed from your suffering. Mark 5:27-34

A prayer written by Dodie Osteen: Thank you, Jesus, that you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I thank you that just as you healed in the Bible days, You still heal people today.

Thank you to all the prayer warriors out there that will be praying the same prayer we are.

God Bless,