Friday, June 1, 2007

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Sandy is having a much better day today! What a praise! Her pain "broke" early this morning and is at about a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. The final neck drain tube was taken off this afternoon and they actually had her sitting up in a chair for about 20 minutes. They also removed devices from her legs pumping and circulating blood from her lower body. Also - she ate a bowl of soup today!! (Simple pleasures we often take for granted!) Her color has come back and she is doing real well. They will now start to transition her to oral pain medications and get her up and moving more in the days to come. Her ETA at home is Monday at this point. Not bad for someone with 4 titanium rods, a plastic "slinky like" device wrapped internally around her spinal column, and 11 screws. (Yes, 12 were suppossed to go in, but there wasn't enough good bone for a 12th placement) I'm going to take the kids to see her this evening.
