Thursday, May 31, 2007

Calls and Visits

I know everyone wants to call or visit, but unfortunately, I have to circle the wagons for another 24 hours or so. I hope you'll understand. I've unplugged the phone and am asking that if you do come on Friday to please make it short and sweet. Also, please be healthy. She is in room 4111. The weekend might be better. Just so you are not offended, I've kept the kids from visiting too. I don't want them to see mommy in too much pain and hooked up to too many things. If her pain levels out, I may bring them by Friday evening.

Special THANK YOU's out to Judi, Marv & Sandy, Valerie, Carole Lee, Margo, Debbie, Lalaine, Sheri, Maria, Lynn, and Lori for your help this week with the kids. Also, I'm SURE I've missed someone who's helping with the kids, but thank you and I hope you understand. Also special THANK YOU's to every family providing food and making the girl's lunches.
