Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Today I started my first treatment to shut down my estrogen. They don't really like to tell you ahead of time that it requires a very big needle going into your abdomen. Thankfully it was over fast! I also got the bone builder and I know you are all prayer, as I, that I will not feel any effects like I did last time. Thursday I am laying low and Mom is coming to take care of me in case I have any side effects. My appetite has been good, but I am still the same weight I was when I left the hospital. The cards keep coming and are a big blessing each day. Thank you to the wonderful person that sent the yummy Mrs. Fields goodies via mail. There was no hint of who it was, so tomorrow I may investigate further with FTD if I don't hear from you.

This treatment will be every month for as long as it is effective. They will re-test in a month or two to make sure it is doing it's job. Thank you for your prayers!
God Bless,