Thursday, June 14, 2007

Power of Prayer

Today I was expecting to be in bed with pain and/or a fever due to my treatment yesterday. I slept good and woke up free of pain. My Mom came down to take care of me, and we ended up at the girl's school taking pictures of them for Field Day. That was a lovely gift to me and a testament to prayer.

Later, in the afternoon, I started to feel some pain and took medication right away. The pain continued in my lower back so I ended up calling COH and they instructed me on how to manage the pain. My worst fear is that the pain will overtake me like the last time, but the medication seems to have taken the edge off for now.

This morning I came across a verse that reminded me of my nights in the hospital when I would turn on my IPod and listen to praise music.

Psalms 83:6-8 On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

The night time can become a time of dread when you have something heavy weighing on your mind and heart. Satan likes to use that time to torment you. Praising God through music is my favorite way of beating Satan at that game.

I am always thankful for the many prayer warriors that are out there.
God Bless,
P.S. The Cookie Caper has been solved. Thank you Bonnie and Joe Duncan for the Mrs. Fields Cookies!