Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Looking Ahead

Sometimes it is hard to stay in the moment and not look ahead. Tomorrow I start treatment that will shut down my estrogen and put me in menopause. I don't know how long that will actually take, but there are possibilities for immediate side effects. I also will receive the bone builder drug that left me in terrible pain the last time they administered it. They were going to look for an alternative or give it to me slower (thru IV). Needless to say, I am not really looking forward to tomorrow. Friday I may get my stitches out when I see the neurosurgeon, and I see the radiation oncologist to discuss immediate plans for radiation on my neck and pelvis. Most people breeze through radiation without too many side effects. I hope to be one of them. The worse part is going daily for two weeks. The girls will be out of school next Wednesday, so that is another element to have to worry about. These are all things that I wish I did not have to face. I wish God would take it all away so I could get back to my life before this all hit.

I was reminded today by me friend Michelle of 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 that God's grace is sufficient, and that His power will be made perfect in weakness. Yes, I am feeling weak and tired and I want this to be over, yet I see God's mighty power all around me and I sit back and thank Him for being by me all the way. He has been five steps ahead of us this entire time. I am sure He has already worked through all the things I worry about.

I am thankful everyday for the encouragement and support we have had. Lovely cards with beautiful hand written messages. Blog postings that lift us up. Thank you to Brenda Schiebe for some new CDs to load on my IPod. The blessings have far out weighed the hardships.

I know that we will have lots of prayers tomorrow and Friday. Thank you for that. It always helps us to know so many are praying for us as we go into these appointments.

Thank you for taking time to check out this blog. I am always amazed at how many people are thinking of us each day.

God Bless,