Wednesday, June 6, 2007

One Week Ago...

Hello Dear Friends,

I have just spent the day slowly reading and soaking in the incredible love that you all have sent to me and my family in the past week. It is hard to believe that a week ago at the very moment that I am writing, I was in ICU and the surgery was over.

I really don't know where to start. Jon is a hard act to follow. Like you, I laughed and cried reading his postings. Jon did an amazing job keeping you informed on how to direct your prayers. As you can imagine, Jon was by my side every minute that he was able, and has been my rock and comforter. My parents and Jon probably benefited the most by this blog. They were uplifed and comforted knowing that so many people were praying for me while I was in the hospital. Every day they would come and tell me the # of hits and messages. They would convey the messages to me, so that I could be amazed and blessed as well.

It is an indescribable feeling to know that someone, somewhere is praying for you at any given minute of the day. There were times in the middle of the night that I would lay there hearing the beep of the IV machine and feel a little scared. I would stop and think to myself, there is someone praying right now. That gave me great peace. I also had my handy IPod that was loaded with praise music. I will never forget my 4:00 am praise sessions with God. Some would argue it was the morphine, but I think nothing feels better than when your heart and mind are soaring to some great music for the Lord.

I am truly humbled and amazed at the outpouring of love that we have received from you. I wish I could write each person individually, because each message is such a blessing and encouragement to me. I am also humbled by the amount of people praying for me and my family. I know that we are on prayer lists that even go outside of the US. Amazing!
Prayer is so powerful, and I have felt those prayers lift me up in the hardest of times, and when I did not have the energy to pray myself.

My family is my best medicine, so it has been great to be home. Every day I feel a little stronger. My neck is very stiff and tired. I wear a neck brace all the time. I do not have the pain I had before the surgery. I feel that the discomfort I have is manageable and has the hope for loosening up as the weeks progress. Tomorrow is a big day for me. I get to take a shower!!!!

The scripture is so powerful, and this verse really touched me when someone posted it in their message.

Isaiah 43 Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summond you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, YOUR GOD.

Does anyone else get chills when they read such a powerful promise from God? I am walking through the fire, and Satan can't even begin to dent the protection God has placed on my life (and yours).

Goodnight for now. My faithful husband is standing over me ready to tuck me in.
Thank you again for your love and prayers.