Thursday, June 7, 2007

Cleansed by the Grace of God

Hello Again,

I took my shower today, and it really was the best shower ever! My Mom and my friend Cindy Axton took digital pictures of my incision on the back of my neck so that I could see. No wonder I am feeling stiff and achy. Yikes!

My appetite is slowly coming back. I ate a lot of fruit today thanks to the Schlichtings and Ornelas Families that sent a wonderful edible bouquet of fruit. We had a wonderful dinner provided by Valerie Cruz and family. Love the cookies!

I recently finished a book that was sent to me by the author, Vicki Quirarte, who happens to be a childhood friend. The book is called "Worth the Wait" and talks about the times when we have to wait on the Lord. The scripture that is the theme throughout the book is:

Isaiah 41:31 Those who hope (or wait) on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

It is hard to wait on the Lord sometimes. I would like the discomfort to go away immediately. I would welcome immediate healing, and I believe in a big God that can make that happen. I start to think ahead about radiation and the anti-estrogen therapy which I will face in the weeks to come. All of these thoughts make me anxious for God to reveal his plan and show everyone what a great God we have. Yet, God is calling me to wait on him and take one moment at a time and savor his mercy and grace that is sufficient for only right now. Vicki talks about that there is something beautiful in the wait when we truly stop and listen to the voice of God. I believe I have experienced those moments. They come with the mailman and the many cards of encouragement and love. This blog has been a huge blessing and it lifts me up to read about the prayer and petition that is being offered up to God on my behalf. It is truly humbling. I feel like a broken vessel who has no right to be sitting on the mantel for God. I said that recently to someone, and they gave me the most beautiful vision. She said, "God's light shines the best through the cracks and holes of a broken vessel."

Since I was an early teen, my favorite verse in the bible has been Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. I have prayed for years that I would be refined and made useful on behalf of God's kingdom. I would still open my mouth when I shouldn't, and my tongue has embarrassed me on more than one occasion. Yet, here I sit in disbelief that God could actually use me in a way I never would have dreamed. I am sure I would never have had the guts to go through with it had I had the choice, but oddly I would not change it now that I am here. God has revealed himself to me in ways I never dreamed. He is in control and definitely worth the wait!

God Bless,