Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fellowship with God

Today I had my stitches out!
First, I had an appointment for the set-up for my radiation. They made a mask to protect my face and did markings where the beams will be hitting. That did not take too long. I then trotted over to the Neurosurgeon and a nurse took out the stitches on the back of my neck. Good thing my dear friend Dr. Laura was there to distract me. There was some snipping and tugging, but very little pain. My doctor said I could start backing off of the neck brace a little at a time. It felt good not to have the tightness and itchy feeling from the stitches.

I have started Tamoxifen, which is a daily pill I take that will assist in shutting down my estrogen. I started this pill last Wednesday, the day I had my infusion and shot, and apparently this pill increases bone pain at the beginning, but the pain is actually a sign that the pill is working. I definitely was achy in my joints over the weekend and into this week. I think that feeling started to lift on Wednesday, and today much better. Every day I feel stronger and more energetic.

Tonight we met with our Bible Study Group. It was the first time I had been with them in a month. There are four couples, and we all love each other and lift each other up in so many ways. It is so important to have a group to fellowship with and study the word of God. These beautiful couples have cried and prayed and suffered with us. They have supplied meals and been with us every step of the way. When I am away from them for a length of time I am reminded of what Paul wrote in Philippians 1:8 about his fellow believers in Phillipi. "I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus." It is nice to have people that you can be totally honest with when you are struggling. God wants us to have that kind of fellowship with others. He also wants an even deeper fellowship between us and Him. Paul continues on in verse 9-10 and says this:

And this is my prayer, that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ.

Having depth of insight into what God wants for me in my future is what I want, but sometimes it gets a little cloudy. I take comfort in knowing that God's view of my future is very clear and bright. I continue to work on staying focused on God and not what is going to happen a month from now. My husband said tonight during our group, "It is a little like living without walls." Our security is gone at the moment. All we can do is trust that God is walking before us and after us. He has us covered.

God Bless,