Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Day of Celebration

Sorry to brag, but at this moment I am a very proud Mother and I am coming off a day of incredible highs and great emotion as our oldest, Rachel said good-bye to Oak Mesa Elementary School.

It was Rachel's last day at Oak Mesa Elementary School and she was honored several times at a special assembly. We were invited to the assembly for both Rachel and Michelle. They both earned a special recognition for their artwork that they submitted for the Reflections Program, which is a national PTA program of the arts. Rachel won top awards because her photograph of the cross went all the way to State earlier this year.

Rachel was also recognized for Classic Reader and Achievement in math. The biggest surprise was that Rachel was one of many 5th graders who won the President's Award for Educational Excellence and was given a certificate and letter from our President, and a medal engraved on the back.

What a joy it was to see our child filled with pride and confidence as she moves on in life. It seems like we just dropped her off at Kindergarten last year. Time really does go by too fast.
It was personally gratifying to me to be able to be there the entire day and not miss a moment of the joy. God gave me energy and a short break on the pain so that I could even extend our celebration to a pool party with good friends after school was out.

More than any of those awards, we are thankful that Rachel has a heart full of God' love. These are the gold nuggets that God gives us daily, big and small, that remind us he is guiding and walking with our family as we push through the adversity.

Thank you again for caring and sharing your thoughts and encouragement. I am sure these days of joy are due to the fact we can laugh and smile knowing that we are covered by prayer and God is rejoicing with us.

God Bless,