Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Day After Surgery

Hi everyone! Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and kindness. It's absolutely overwhelming. Sandy was moved into a regular room last night at about 11:30 PM. Last night was filled with pain and nausea for her, with more of the same today. (She actually threw up in Recovery as she was coming out of the fog from the surgery.) Finding the right combination of pain medicines without making her sick to her stomach is a very specific prayer request, along with a good night's sleep tonight. She did manage to eat a couple of bites of cream of wheat, jello, and potato soup during the day. They also removed one of the drain tubes from her neck late in the day today. (I can tell you from my climbing accident on Mt. Hood that ANY day something comes off or out is a good day!) We are hoping for an even better day tommorrow.
