Wednesday, November 27, 2013


We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;
He chastens and hastens His will to make known.
The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing.
Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own. - Adrianus Valerius

This beautiful hymn was always sung this time of year at my church in Hacienda Heights.  The Baptist church I grew up in was rich with hymnal music, and I am so grateful that I am in the generation that knows these precious hymns, and I get to sing praise with the contemporary songs of today. 

I have been humming this song all morning, so I decided to look it up because I did not remember the words after the second line. I like that we gather together to ask the Lord's blessings, and that the Lord is wanting to make His will known to us in return.  The second part is about Satan wanting to oppress us, but we can cease to let him bring us down when we are giving all our praise to God, despite the hard times.  God never, never, never forgets his own.  He may seem quiet today, but you can be sure he is working on your behalf.

I am looking forward to coming together with family tomorrow and gathering around a bountiful table with the people I love.  I love the smell, flavors, and fellowship that Thanksgiving represents.  Most of all I love that it has nothing to do with shopping for presents, but all about what we are thankful for in our lives.

I am very thankful for my immediate family.  Jon and the girls are everything to me, and they provided endless joy and laughter through very hard times this year.  I love my parents and step-parents, and I feel so fortunate to have their support.  I have one sibling, Aaron, and I am grateful for our relationship.  I have an amazing infrastructure of other family members and friends that lift me up in prayer and encouragement.  Thank you all for the cards and letters this year!

For the past month I have woken up every day thankful that I am not in pain.  After an entire year wrought with pain, and often very intense pain, the chemo I am on has knocked down everything and I am pain free!!!  I still struggle with my blood counts going down, and have had to get multiple bags of blood lately, but my energy has been good.  You can pray specifically for platelets to increase, and  I am trying to eat more foods high in iron. 

Thanksgiving is a good time to say out loud to someone how much you appreciate them, and to remember the many ways in which the Lord has provided throughout the year.  When we look back, even on a hard year, it is amazing the ways in which the Lord knew ahead of time what we really needed. 

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6,7

Thankful & Blessed,