Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Restraining Order is Issued

I've been told I need to meet head on what is on every one's mind, including mine. Elizabeth Edwards died yesterday and we have the same cancer. Elizabeth was diagnosed with returning breast cancer that metastasized to the bones in 2007, and recently it metastasized to her liver. I remember reading about her in the beginning stages of our discovery of my cancer. I felt connected to her because we were both hormone receptive positive, and on the same medication to strengthen the bones and stabilize the cancer. I really think it was through that "People" magazine article that I was stuck with the seriousness of my own illness.

In the years following, she was often given a chance to share her cancer journey with the public as she spoke out on other issues. I remember reading once about how she was doing things to prepare her kids for when she was gone, and it made me sad. I wondered if I should be doing the same. A voice said, "No!"

Yesterday was a difficult day for me. I'm a little fragile these days as it is, so the death of Elizabeth weighed on me all day. When I got to the end of the day, I was certain of only one thing. We had the the same diagnosis. That is it. I don't think we ever got a clear picture of what her faith was. She had a lot more stress going on in her life than I do. She was 61 years old. We most definitely travel different paths. Nonetheless, it was a sad day because a sister of cancer lost her battle.

Thankfully, I have Cathye Tipton who writes me notes in big bold letters so that I know her tone and not to question what she is stating. At 2 a.m. when I was awake and feeling weak, her message was read over and over. I sang the hymns she provided for strength and read again my Dodie Osteen book, "Healed of Cancer", which my Mother gave me when I was first diagnosed. This morning I struggled again with nausea and some other thoughts. After my family left, I decided to get forceful and order Satan out of my house. I went to Bible Study feeling a little bit stronger.

After our luncheon, a group of women gathered with our leader, Betsy, and they prayed over me. Then, Betsy prayed, "In the name of Jesus, we are implementing a restraining order that forbids Satan to get within 50 yards of Sandy or her home." Beautiful!!! I just loved that! I drove home laughing at the fact that we have power in the name of Jesus Christ to tell Satan to go to ---- well, away. He is not even allowed to be near me. Take that!!

In a Christmas skit, we were reminded this morning that it is not about the ribbons and bows and perfect Christmas scenes. It is about remembering the miracle of Christmas. No person in their right mind would write a story about the Messiah coming in such a humble way. Only God writes stories like this that stand the test of time. He is the author of hope, faith, and love. All of which I have in abundance, and can never be robbed of.

I can never stop thanking you all for your powerful prayers. This is my story, and I'm not living the same story as someone else. My story has great promise for exciting "Godincidences" and miracles along the way. I have promises to back that up!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. It is God who arms me with strength. Psalm 18:30,32

Gaining Strength,