Sunday, November 7, 2010

Walking Strong

Today I walked my fourth Walk for Hope, and it was a wonderful event! I had 30 people on my team called Mrs. B's Junior Mints. When I first did the walk, it was a way for my Junior Girl Scout Troop to be involved in a service project. Our team has added some awesome honorary members along the way, and each year it is exciting to see who will join us. We heard there were 9,000 people today at this event! A sea of people walking with passion.

Our Nation just ended a month of focus on Breast Cancer. My family is still polishing off yogurt cups with pink lids that need to be mailed in so contributions will be made to research. Isn't it amazing that we have an entire month dedicated to this one cancer? It is kind of sobering when you think about the magnitude of breast cancer, and how it has effected everyone in America either directly or indirectly.

Today there was a Survivor Booth, and I got to go pick out a purple boa to wear all day designating me as a Survivor. You feel all special and good to be able to walk into the Survivor Pavilion, until you really think about that you are walking into a "survivor only" area. Sometimes it is surreal to think that this is my fourth year of living with stage 4 cancer, and that a day does not go by without thinking about it, praying about it, and living with the effects of it.

I often think about how different my life would be right now if I did not have cancer. More than that, I think about how devastating my life would be right now if I had cancer and no faith or hope for the future. It is only because of my faith in God that I can live daily without fear or worry. My relationship with my Heavenly Father allows me the luxury of putting my cares on Him. After all, He has worked miracles in my life, and (hopefully) miracles in the lives of those around me. I am fortunate to have withstood the big storm in my life with God as my shield, and He continues to protect me with His grace and mercy.

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. It is God who arms me with strength. Psalm 18:30,32

Today it was an honor to be the one to captain a team and participate in the raising of funds for breast cancer research. But, more than anything, I am proud to be a child of God, who is the navigator of my journey of faith, and whom I care most about shining my light for and drawing attention to.

Thank you to all of you who have supported breast cancer research, especially as you were probably hounded in the month of October. It is worth it though! Fortunately for me, there have been many advances in the treatment of cancer. And fortunately for me, I have a big God!
