Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It Is Not About Me?

Friends and family are always wanting me to give updates on how I am really feeling. It is also helpful to know what to pray for. I am very thankful that I don't have to go to chemotherapy every Tuesday and get shots three days a week. I still marvel at the thought that I am cancer free in my liver and that I have this great freedom. I think about it most often on Tuesdays when I am able to be home and have a quiet day to get things done. I do have side effects from the daily chemo pill (Aromasin), which includes achy joints and flair ups in my back, so I don't always sleep well for long stretches of time. This is a bit frustrating, but I try to sneak a short nap in each day to make up for the loss of sleep. I need to get motivated to exercise, but then I always seem to do something that sets off pain, so I do short walks with Buddy when I can.

Freedom from chemo has provided me with more time to do other things that I did not get to do last year. The down side is that I have filled up all of my time with thing that I did not get to do last year!

I am chairperson for the PTA Art Contest called Reflections. I am also VP of Reflections at the Bonita Council Level. I work in Michelle's class once a week, which I sadly did not get to do at all last year. I love being in the classroom and watching how the students interact with each other. I am on the 5th Grade party committee, the 5th grade 50's Day committee, and I chaperon choir once a month.

All of the above involves Michelle at the elementary school. I also have Rachel (a teenager!) to manage. Keeping up with her grades, her after school activities, her social life, is a full time job.
But, I love every minute of being a mom to these precious girls, and I am so grateful that I have not had to work outside of my home all of these years.

You are probably thinking the same thoughts my husband thinks when I rattle off all I have to get done in one day. The thought that keeps going through my head is that this is IT, this is the last year of elementary school. After eleven years of picking up a child at the pink school, it will all be forever different next September. Yes, I am sad about that. With each major event that I am a part of (class parties, Halloween Parades, etc..), I am saying goodbye to a huge part of myself. Yet, I am thankful that my girls are healthy and that I am here to share these great moments with them.

I know I am not alone when I say that I fill up my days with tasks and to do lists. I am constantly feeling the guilt of not slowing down. I am always behind on my reading through the Bible, and I have a stack of other great books that would inspire me and be Blog worthy material. I sometimes find myself rushing through prayers so I can get my day off to a roaring start, and I know I am missing out on quality time with God. I have started reading a book about silence and solitude (no, Jon did not write it). I am working on quieting my head and listening to what God wants for me.

My biggest struggle is keeping a balance in my life. Eating healthy, good sleep habits, reading material that is uplifting or brings knowledge, and quality family time. These are the things that are important to me. Above all things, I still have a passion for wanting to be a testimony for God's goodness and grace. It is truly my purpose in life, and I love talking about the wonders of God. I strive each day to make what I do count. I don't want that passion, and the ministry God gave me, to become watered down or complacent.

For those of you who have me on your prayer list. You can pray that the cancer remains stable and that someday we will see another miracle when the cancer is gone. I could use prayer for my back and other aches and pains, especially as the weather turns colder. I would also appreciate prayer for wisdom on posting Blogs and sharing my testimony with others. Thank you to all of the supporters of this Blog! I am honored to still be writing over 3 1/2 years! I appreciate your comments and encouragement because then I know that God is still using this Blog (His Blog) in a beautiful way.

God Bless,