Sunday, October 10, 2010


In the quote that I posted last week, Rick Warren says, "God is more interested in our character than our comfort." That kind of statement could really make some people uncomfortable, especially if they don't really know that much about God.

I think that the fear of God, or the misunderstandings, about who He is and why He lets horrible things happen in this world, keeps many people from wanting to know Him better. Maybe they think that if they just don't give Him their time or attention, they won't have to feel guilty for not going to church or reading His Word. Maybe they really do view God as someone who wants them to be uncomfortable in life. What is fun about that?

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I love this verse, because it is one of many verses that prove that God wants the very best for us. He has a plan for my life and yours! He wants to prosper us! You might say, "Sandy, how has he prospered you? He allowed your bones to be filled with cancer, which He has not healed completely." I would imagine that most people would not like that kind of plan for their life.

I have heard many stories, of women and men, who have battled cancer and had no faith. Disease happens whether you are a Christian or not. It is a mystery we have not quite unraveled yet (and so we wear pink and walk cancer walks...). God did not strike me with cancer. He knew it would happen, and He knew that my faith would be strong , but because I am His, I have promises for hope and a future! When I hear of the lonely, hopeless ending that unbelievers have when they die, I can say with confidence, "I will always have hope and joy because of the amazing scripture and miracles that come from a God who loves me and is pleased when I can show faith in Him through difficult times."

"God does not care about our comfort..."

When Jon and I were told I had a bad MRI it was uncomfortable. When we told our girls that their mommy has cancer, it was uncomfortable. Healing from a broken neck was uncomfortable. Dealing with anxiety, and thoughts of death, were uncomfortable. I did not for a minute think that God did not care about these things, but I needed to travel this road for a reason.

"God cares about our character..."

Being a light for Christ has been the greatest joy of my life. Having a Blog ministry is the greatest gift of my life. Sharing about hope and faith with others, it the great desire of my heart. Being healed of cancer in my liver is the greatest moment of my life. Walking a closer walk with my Shepard and King, and deepening my understanding of Him, has been a character building time that I would not trade for anything.

If you are one who had a hard time swallowing that quote from Rick Warren, then you have not walked the path that God has set out for you, which is:

1. Open you Bible and start reading the New Testament and/or Psalm. It is exciting to get to know God and His love for mankind, and the price He paid for our freedom from Satan's ownership of us. We are all fallen and sinful people. Jesus wipes us clean by being the sacrificial lamb.

2. Start praying. This is just talking with God the Father. Talk like a child who does not understand a story, but wants to know what it means and how to get closer to Him. Don't start with a list of demands! He is not a vending machine. Start with a heart that desires to know the wonders of why He loves you, and what He wants from you.

3. Talk with someone. Confide in a friend who can help you as you struggle with the thought of wanting a deeper relationship with God. It is good to be accountable to someone about reading, praying, and seeking. If you are already a follower of Christ, you may need to be accountable to someone as you seek an even deeper understanding and love of God's will for your life. Join a Bible Study!

As Rick Warren puts it, "The purpose of life is a preparation for eternity." We are all going to die. Hopefully later than sooner. We can't stop this from happening! But if we want to fulfill our purpose, then we are to seek a closer relationship with God while on earth that will carry us through into life eternal in heaven.

I don't wish to be uncomfortable, but I am not afraid of it as much anymore. As someone who has felt the pain, but made it through, I can say with confidence that is was worth it to be in a place of deeper understanding of God's love for me.
