Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wanting to do God's Will

"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.'" Matthew 26:39

Praying for God's will does not come naturally for us. We want to do our plan, and then hope that He blesses it. How do we know God's will, and how do we align our own desires with His desire for us?

The above verse shows us how Jesus prayed in the garden before his death asking for God's will. Jesus knew what he was about to face, but he still put God's will ahead of his own. This is a beautiful verse for us to learn from. Jesus felt the same anguish that we often feel, yet he knew that God saw the bigger picture, and what Jesus was about to go through would effect all of humanity (that's you and me!).

We might think that our trials only effect us, but God might have an even bigger plan. Cancer has led me to be open about my faith, and has (hopefully) effected others around me and changed their lives so that they can change someone else's life. A beautiful cycle or tapestry that I may never see to its fullest. By wanting God's will, and aligning myself to that, I have encountered blessings beyond my wildest dreams.

You may be facing a very difficult time. You may be looking ahead and asking God to remove the cup of pain from your life, or give you an easy out. But like Jesus, we have to say; "Yet not as I will, but as you will." The easy way is not always the best way. The easy way is not always the way God wants for you.

We need to take everything to God in prayer. Jesus showed us that we can ask for the cup to be removed, but then follow it up with a sincere and trusting, "Lord, let Your perfect will be done in this situation." Stormie Omartin wrote this beautiful prayer:

Heavenly Father, more than anything I want Your will to be done in my life. Even though I want You to take away all my pain and suffering, and I want all of Your blessings, and I want things to turnout the way I want them to, above all I want Your will to be done and not my own. Reveal Your will and help me to pray accordingly.

That is definitely a prayer that I need to pray constantly!
God Bless,

P.S. Prayer Request: Please pray that my doctor and I have wisdom on what treatment I should do when I go off chemo. My next scans are in two weeks. When they confirm that the liver, and other internal organs, are free from cancer, then I will immediately stop chemo and start a new plan. I am excited to be free for the summer, but apprehensive at the same time. Also, I am losing my beloved Oncologist and will be placed with someone new. I pray that God's hand will be in the chosing.