Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Wonderful Reunion

Today we got to celebrate the return of my brother Aaron from Iraq. He left for Iraq on April 15. I was diagnosed with cancer by my chiropractor on April 20. Aaron and I were able to talk privately today so that I could break the news to him. Aaron was shocked, and I still don't think that it has fully hit him. I think Aaron had the same reaction that many have had in regards to God and how He could allow this to happen. I shared my heart and my faith, and the peace that surpasses all understanding that comes from knowing that God is at work in the worst of situations. It was harder than I thought to explain all that has happened, but I feel that by the end of my story, Aaron understood that I am not living in constant fear of my future (Satan likes to give me some little moments when I least expect it). I have hope that only comes from knowing the characteristics and voice of my God. I have a list of promises that God has given me (and you) through His word. I claim those promises for my life. One of my favorite promises is from Matthew 17:20:

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Nothing will be impossible for you.

My mountain is cancer, and my faith is bigger than a mustard seed! God is already moving mountains by the way He has touched people's lives by the testimony He has given me. I was honored this morning to give a brief testimony in front of my home church, Glenkirk. Once again, I had women coming up to me who walk before me in this fight against cancer, and they were blessed by the words God gave me, and they promised to pray for me. I gladly take every prayer I can get, because prayer is what has carried me through. Prayer has given me strength and energy.

I am glad that my brother now knows the burden our parents have had to shoulder for the past six months. It is a relief to speak freely to Aaron, and to have him in my corner. I made a copy of all the Blog postings so Aaron could read them at his leisure.

We all got to sit and hear Aaron's stories of his adventures in Iraq. We got to see some pictures of the base he was on. I think it was an amazing learning experience for him. Aaron will continue to serve in the Navy in San Diego until his time is up in 2009. He does not think he will be sent back to Iraq.

Thank you for all your prayers. They were answered!!
