Sunday, October 7, 2007

Pink Week

Last week was full of reminders that Breast Cancer has become a big part of our life. It started with my testimony on Wednesday. On Thursday morning I went to hear my good friend, Pam McKnight, give her testimony about how Breast Cancer has effected her life. At that event, for young mothers, there were two women talking about early detection and monthly self-checks. On Saturday night we went to our first ever "Pink Party", which was to thank those of us who donated to the Avon Breast Cancer Walk.

I am amazed at how cancer has become so common that it is an epidemic! I must have had my head stuck in the sand before it happened to me. I remember when my friend, Michelle, told me she had Breast Cancer. That was approximately four years ago. She is a single Mom, and I remember asking God why she would have to suffer this disease alone. Michelle is one of the first ones to come to your door when you are diagnosed. She is full of wisdom and strength. Unfortunately, Michelle has had to make lots of house calls lately. Out of fourteen girls in my Brownie troop four years ago, three of the moms have cancer. What is going on????

I was not close to my friend Valerie when she had breast cancer three years ago. I am blessed that she has become one of my precious friends in the past two years. When tragedy hit me, she was a rock and fountain of wisdom for me. Valerie is a nurse.

I am so thankful that Pam, Michelle and Valerie are my friends. They have taught me how to handle this burden, and turn it around to minister and tend to the needs of others. I feel that I am a rookie in training with these three women. I wish that we all did not have to wonder who will be next and how can we band together to lend support. I am proud of all my friends who have given so much of themselves to support those of us who have been effected, AND to raise money to fight for the future.

I don't wish this sisterhood on anyone, however, I think we would all say that we are profoundly changed because of it, and perhaps in an odd way for the better.
