Friday, October 26, 2007

Hope in God

In Bible Study we are studying great figures in the Bible. This past Wednesday we studied the story of Martha, Mary and their brother Lazarus. Most of the attention in the study was given to Martha, because we can relate to her. She is the one in the kitchen a little ticked off because her sister Mary was sitting at Jesus' feet instead of helping her. For the first time, I really was more interested in Lazarus. For those who don't remember the story in John chapter 11, Lazarus became ill and word was sent to Jesus to come quickly. The message from the sisters was "Lord, the one you love is sick." (v3) First, wouldn't you love to be referred to as the one the Lord loves? Jesus responds by saying "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." (v4)

Jesus arrives in Bethany and Martha comes running out to tell him that Lazarus died and has been buried for four days. Martha then makes a statement of faith. She says, "If you had been here, my brother would not have died." Martha knew who Jesus was! Jesus then tells them to roll away the stone and Jesus says to Martha "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" Jesus then called out to Lazarus to come out of the tomb, and he did!

I have felt from the very beginning of my battle with cancer that God's glory would shine through a disease that wants to rob me of my future. I have faith that God has a plan for my life and that he refers to me as "the one the Lord loves." Do you realize that he says that about you too? I think we have already seen God at work through modern technology (the blog), and I believe He will continue to work in ways we can't even imagine.

I get asked all the time how I am feeling. I still have neck issues that are very mild in comparison to what I had before the surgery. The evening time is when it really creeps up on me, and sleeping. But, if I did not have that pain to remind me of how far I have come, I would not know that I have cancer spotted all over my spine, pelvic, and leg bones. I really feel good. My energy level is good. I can even sit for an hour or two on the computer or scrapbook before I have to give it a rest. I really think this is a big praise. I am convinced it is prayer, hope, and positive thinking that has me where I am.

Next week I have some big tests. Monday I have a sonogram of my breast and a CT scan of my chest and abdomen. Tuesday I have a bone scan. These are all test that were run over 6 months ago when I was first being diagnosed. These were the tests that showed where the cancer was. The sonogram is an important test for me because there is more research out about removing the primary cancer even when it has metastasized. The standard practice has been to not remove the cancer. I will probably not know the results until I meet with my Oncologist on November 7.

I am still praying for complete healing. I have a big God, and I know that if it is His will, it will be done. I thank you for your continued prayers.

Jeremiah 32:17 "Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."
