Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Avon Walk

Last weekend three of my precious friends walked in the Avon walk for breast cancer. Carol-Lee Marshall, Valerie Sedor, and Cinthia Karim raised over $6,000 for breast cancer research. The entire event raised over 4.3 million dollars!

I had the honor on Monday of lunching with Carol Lee and Valerie so that they could share with me their experience on the walk this past weekend. They walked nine hours the first day! They were both very touched and inspired by the speakers and women at the walk. This is a huge event, yet they felt very well taken care of and the support on the streets was overwhelming.

These women did not do this exclusively for me. Valerie is a survivor herself, and they have all been affected indirectly by cancer. A matter of fact, I think we would all be hard pressed to find a single person in our country that does not know someone who has cancer. The statistics are scary.

At Oak Mesa Elementary, there are several women battling cancer. Our good friend Karen is going through Chemo, and the community has rallied around her as they did me. Recently, Karen and I compared notes on what could have been the cause for our cancer. We both eat very healthy. I have had my milk delivered without hormones for over three years. Karen took fish oil pills that were suppose to prevent cancer. The other day I found out that my deodorant has aluminum in it that could cause cancer. I think we could become paranoid and drive ourselves crazy wondering what caused this disease.

I guess this is where I have to stop and get peace from knowing that God is in control of my life, even though this disease is out of control.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

I can't lean on my own understanding of this disease that has spotted by body. I can only rely on the day to day truth in God's promise that He alone will make this path straight.

Last Monday when I found out the the brain tumor was benign, I was greeted at the school with friends hugging me and rejoicing with me over God's great answer to our prayers. My little Michelle comes out of school and starts going on about how I did a bad job on her lunch that day. Apparently Gatorade does not go well with PB&J! I looked down and said, "Gee Michelle, weren't you even worried about me today?" Without missing a beat she said, "No, I knew God would take care of it."

I hope we can all learn a lesson from Michelle. Hand over your cares to Jesus, and have confidence that HE will make your paths straight.

With Love,