Monday, August 13, 2007

God's Blog

"Be confident of this. He who began a good work in you will continue to perform it until it's perfectly complete" (Phillippians 1:6)

Those are reassuring words for me as I hit my third month of living with cancer. I believe with all my heart that God has "began a good work" through this trial, and I am relieved to know that He will see it through until it is "perfectly complete". This Blog has become a ministry and it is reaching people in ways that Jon and I never imagined. It is really not our Blog, it is God's vehicle to reach out and talk to some people who might otherwise be distracted by everyday life. Somehow this Blog has drawn people in, and it is only by God's direction that Jon and I can continue to write and share our hearts with others.

I have to be honest, sometimes it is hard to know what to write. There is a bit of pressure when you know that people are logging in daily and wanting updates. I am constantly praying that God will speak to me and tell me what He needs for me to write. I get most of my thoughts from several daily devotion books that I use in the mornings. Many of these devotions touch my heart and prompt deep thought and conversation with God. Communication is the key to having a relationship with God. It is hard to get direction from God if you are not opening up God's word and seeking His will. The above verse is a promise that God wants to complete what He has started in your life. Don't ever let Satan tempt you into thinking that God is not at work behind the scenes on your behalf. God is the author and finisher of your faith. I am amazed at what He has done with my broken life. I never thought God could use me in the way He is using me now. It is humbling to say the least.

Thank you God for your promise to complete what you have started in my life. Give me strength to stand strong so that I can experience your fulfillment in my life today. I love you.
