Friday, July 6, 2007


I have been chewing on this one all day. Not because I have ever asked why, but because I hear others asking why. I hear of friends hearing about my battle with cancer, and sometimes the question is asked: "Why would a good God allow this to happen?"

I could never begin to answer the big question of why bad things happen. I think we have all had occasion to question why God would allow suffering and pain. I can only answer for myself and my situation. From the moment I was told I had cancer, I knew that I was on God's path, and He had prepared me for what would come. I believe that God had this planned from my birth. He gave me parents that thought it was important for their children to go to church. And when it was time to decide whether I wanted to just have a religion that my parents gave me or make it my own, God gave me a youth minister (Mike Slater) who challenged me to not limit my God, and to make Jesus Christ the most important person in my life. God has a plan for each of us, it is only by our own choices that we determine if we live out God's plan or not. I have a choice today, do I keep trusting God, or do I turn away and try it my way. There are times when I am just done, and I know that God could reach down and take this away. Just when I am in one of those moments, I see God at work again. I have had many an occasion when I have been told that someone is praying, or going to church, or questioning their life that has been void of God. That really excites me, and keeps me moving and rejoicing. This is not a Sandy story, this is a story about a big and loving God who knows exactly what He is doing, and what He is doing is prompting people to dig deep and start a conversation with Him.

If you are reading this blog and you are void of Christ Jesus in your life. If you have not talked to Him in a long time. If you haven't really seen the need to up until now. If you are mad at God for circumstances in your life. I want you to know that I would humbly go through this challenge for the exchange of you having a conversation with God. There is one thing I can not do. I can't die so that you can live. Only God gave you that privileged when He sent His Son Jesus who did die for YOU on the cross. I am always floored when I think that even if I was the only one, Jesus still would have died for me.

I don't ask why, because I know the characteristics of my God. I know His voice, and He knows mine. We have had many conversations about life. I have been mad at Him a couple of times. I did not like the feeling of not talking to Him, so I apologized and He wiped it all away. Talk to God in your own voice and in your own way. You don't need to say a perfectly made up prayer.

I hope the thoughts and desires of my heart translate well on paper (computer). I have thought of this all day and asked God to put the words down for me. I hope I did Him justice.

In Christ's Love,