Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Monthly Treatment/Daily Devotion

Today Jon was with me as I went to City of Hope for my monthly appointment with my Oncologist, and my monthly treatment for my bones. My doctor feels that everything is going well. We really won't know for sure until another bone scan is completed in 2-3 months. Radiation has left me a little tender in my neck, and a bit tired. It is hard to tell if the lack of energy comes from the heat and the afternoon appointment time I have. I also suffer from night sweats due to the drug that I take that puts me in post menopause. It has been hard to get my naps in. I am famous for my 20 minute power naps. (Libbey Glass colleagues will have a field day with this one).

Moving on to another subject. Every morning I read from a devotional book. I have always been partial to the "Daily Bread" devotions that my church offers each month. On Mother's Day, my Mom gave me a wonderful devotion book written by Dodie Osteen (Mother of Joel), called "Choosing Life". Dodie Osteen was miraculously healed of metastatic liver cancer in 1981. They had sent her home to die, and she is still alive today. Dodie's devotions are filled with God's promises of healing, and she often talks about a shameless persistence that won't give up.

Today as we talked about the future in medical terms, and the seriousness of my metastatic breast cancer, I was reminded that I have a big God who's promises of healing are not just some old stories of people in the Bible, but are for me to claim today. Modern medicine can only do so much, and my hope and future is in God's hands.

And so it is with prayer - keep on asking and you will keep on getting; keep on looking and you will keep on finding; knock and the door will be opened. Luke 11:9

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 20:21

Today Dodie wrote a prayer for me to recite: I choose today to have persistent faith. When I see a promise in the Word, I determine in my heart that I will pursue that promise with shameless persistence until I receive what God has promised me. I want my faith to please God.

I know I am not the only one asking God for healing. I am constantly encouraged when I hear I am on a prayer chain. Thank YOU for being persistent on my behalf!

Blessings to all,