Sunday, July 1, 2007

Back From the Beach

We are back from a very relaxing week at Sunset Beach. It was a wonderful week to be free of daily responsibilities and to just be together. We mixed family time with some visits with friends. We were fortunate that each day the sun was out in the morning so we could enjoy the beauty of the day.

After being tied to the house for a good month, it was a nice change of scenery for me. Somehow I thought that maybe by being away from home, I would not "think" so much. I think I thought more. It hit me by the second day that I really can't go more than 15-20 minutes without thinking those thoughts. The contrast of a joyful vacation to the realities of cancer can be very profound. I had some moments walking along the beach behind my husband and daughters when I wondered what next summer would be like. By mid week I had to get a pep talk from my Mom on positive thinking and not letting Satan have his way with my mind. How can a person look out into that vast ocean and not see the magnitude of God's power? I feel His power, I claim His promises, yet with every ache and pain that is unknown in my body I fear for what is happening that I can't see.

One of my favorite songs that is on my Ipod, my friend Valerie Fee loaded it on for me the night before my surgery, is called "I Will Praise You in This Storm." The chorus says this:

And I'll praise You in this storm, and I will lift my hands for You are who You are no matter where I am, and every tear I've cried, You hold in your hand, You never left my side and though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm.

We are not out of the storm. Yet. I still believe with all of my heart that God has great plans for us and has used this cancer, and will continue to use it, for His glory. It is just so hard waiting to see what the plan is! Is God's timing better than mine? YES! When it comes down to it, I would rather do it His way than mine.

On a lighter note, I will have a new "summer" picture tomorrow and an updated picture on how my neck is looking without the stitches. I guess I better get back to that "after vacation clean-up". I must admit, Jon is working harder than all three of us put together. If there was a men's laundry competition, he would put everyone to shame with his folding techniques.

God Bless,