Sunday, June 3, 2007

So, How Are You Doing?.......

I wanted to address a question I get asked on a regular basis. People will pull me aside and say, "So, how are you doing?" The truth is that I have my good moments and my bad moments. When I'm busy doing something, (running, trying to manage my agencies, putting together a trampoline, doing things with the kids, or chasing after a rogue gofer like Bill Murray in "Caddyshack") I'm fine. It's when I stop that's tough. As some of you have found out, (Tammy Hoff, Jeff Moran, Mike Moses, Mark & Gail Shores) it's when I stop that my emotions come to the surface. As an example, poor Tammy was out for a nice Saturday run until she ran into me running on Golden Hills. The next thing I knew, I was weeping, she was weeping. (I trust she has changed her Saturday route by now! :) I leave moments like that shocked by how emotional I really am. After all, I have spent 46 years working on my mask and building my walls. I also feel a great deal of guilt, thinking that people will think that there is a crack in my faith. Of course I know that it's the enemy working on me and taking my mind to dark & scary places. I also know I'm tired and under a lot of stress. Late at night is the worst. So, thanks for asking, but don't be offended if I don't stop sometimes to answer. Jon