Monday, June 11, 2007

A Scary Praise!

Hi everyone. Sandy had a scary fall on Saturday morning, but everything is ok. She got up from the couch, got lightheaded, and then stumbled a few steps before she fell into the tv/entertainment center, and then down on the tile. She thinks she might have blacked out. Fortunately, she didn't reinjury her neck or anything else. Other than a bruised wrist/forearm, we had a very normal weekend visiting with friends, seeing Shrek 3, and even going to Church on Sunday! For you guys out there gasping, the High Definition TV came through unscathed! (Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!) The fact that she didn't seriously hurt herself is a huge praise. When I think about what could have happened, especially on the stairs, it reminds me to ask all of you for continued prayers.

Continued prayer is needed so THAT doesn't happen again. Also, she starts the anti estrogen drug Zoladez on Wednesday, along with the bone strengthening drug Zometa. She had a very bad reaction to Zometa the first time around, so I am asking for prayer that her body tolerates this important drug better on Wednesday. It helps the bones fight off the cancer cells. The infusion is going to be given slower this time, so we are hopeful that this will help.

She continues to get better day by day, although Saturday was a reminder that health/recovery is seldom a constantly improving proposition. There are ups and downs all along the way. As a lot of you know who have been through any health issue or surgery, you start to feel better, take on more than you should, and then take steps back as you pay the price for trying to do too much. Another lesson in the journey.
